Welcome to the Diversity Brand Hall of Fame!
seek to acknowledge individuals and corporations whose video clips have found a place in this site.
Getting in touch with each and every one whose material(s) has been used herein is not always easy owing to the supersonic speed at which our site is growing. Nevertheless, all efforts will be made to give credit where it’s due.
Getting in touch with each and every one whose material(s) has been used herein is not always easy owing to the supersonic speed at which our site is growing. Nevertheless, all efforts will be made to give credit where it’s due.
Should you come across your material(s),especially video clips in our site and for some reason, we haven’t yet got in touch with you, please email us specifying the page, video size and video name, if
any, so as to expedite the acknowledgement process.
page is dedicated to you and others whose material(s) dot our site. This is the
home of the most powerful brands—we call them ‘DIVERSITY BRANDS’. Feel free to take
a tour and see who else is here or better still, which other Brand has made it to the Diversity Brand Hall of Fame!
Lady flag +USA
NASA Video Clips in
Space Virtual Tour page
Google Video clips in
Business Virtual Tours, Satellite Virtual Tours, and all the video clips from Utube
Boeing Video clips in
125 years of Diversity
Coca cola Video clips in